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That’s how we bowl!
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Listing Photo In the early 90s, pro bowler Ron Bell created a Pin Wheel Chart that helped bowlers up their game. Infographics and foot positioning helped bowlers with their splits and spares. It instructed users on best practices to bowl a high score.  ...

On-Cor Foods Pop-Up featuring Richard Kind
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Listing Photo In 2003, we manufactured for Blue Chip Marketing and On-Cor Foods a Pop-Up promotional piece that featured the actor Richard Kind. The commercials featured Kind as a point-of-purchase salesperson. When consumers exclaimed that it was too much food for one person, he would then invite himself over with his family to help eat On-Cor’s delicious line of prepared foods. Watch Richard Kind invite himself and his family over for dinner in connection with this Pop-Up!        ...

Reinventing The Wheel Book
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Listing Photo A coworker introduced us to the captivating book "Reinventing the Wheel" by Jessica Helfland, which delves into the rich history of Wheel Charts, Volvelles, and Planispheres. Join us as we take a fun walk down memory lane.   Let's begin our adventure with the  Kitchenette Wheel, a culinary treasure from 1932. This wheel contains 26 recipes designed to help cooks create meals using ingredients already at hand. The quaint artwork adorning the wheel chart takes us back to a bygone era, evoking feelings of nostalgia and warmth.    Step into the world of country music in the late 1960s with the Country Music Staroscope Wheel. This creation provided fans with a comprehensive listing of beloved country music celebrities, complete with intriguing facts and fan mail addresses.  Holt, Rinehart & Winston's Puzzle Pets Le...

Rand McNally Dist-O-Map
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Listing Photo Rand McNally started in Chicago as a small print shop. Eventually, it grew into the prestigious mapping company we know today. In the 1980s, the company created a spiral-bound, multiple-wheel chart called The Dist-O-Map, Automatic Mileage Dialer. By spinning the wheels with the corresponding maps inside, you were able to determine the mileage between cities. The back of the Dist-O-Map gave information about the new U.S Road Markers of that time.        ...

Butternut Bread Price Wheel
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Listing Photo In the '40-'50s, stores advertised their prices using wheel charts. This Butternut wheel chart was a clever way to keep customers informed of the daily price of bread, which could fluctuate depending on factors such as the cost of wheat, transportation, and other expenses.  In the pre-digital age, advertisements like this helped consumers make decisions during weekly grocery shopping.        ...

Kelloggs Wheel of Knowledge
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Listing Photo Kellogg's in 1931 created a Wheel of Knowledge Chart that was used as a promotional piece. The user would choose their state. They then read the population, capital, principal river, and other information on that particular state. On the opposite side was promotional copy featuring the benefits of a good breakfast featuring Kellogg's cereal. We wish we could send in two box tops and get a newer wheel.        ...

The Swift Premium Meats Space Travel Guide
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Listing Photo It’s Throwback Thursday so let’s take a walk down memory lane and revisit Vintage Products! Nothing is more exciting to me than space travel, and back in 1958, Swift Premium created a wheel chart to educate kids about the solar system. You would set your planet of choice in the upper window. You then saw the astronomical sign, maximum surface temperature, distance from earth, and period of revolutions around the sun. When you turned the chart over, it showed the relative size and diameter of the planet. The graphics on this piece are fantastic, so it grabbed my print geek's attention. The attention to detail on the spaceship and galaxy is out of this world!    ...

The Schneider-Bruce Dairy Company Wheel Chart
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Listing Photo It’s Throwback Thursday so let’s take a walk down memory lane and revisit Vintage Products! Years ago, people would get their milk and dairy products from various farms. J.L. Jarman Company created this unique Wheel Chart that customers of Schneider-Bruce Dairy Co. could add extras to their orders. The unique die-cut shape could be inserted into an empty milk bottle. They then could raise any of the numerous flags to indicate what they wanted to be added to their order. This piece was so unique that it was copyrighted in 1949.  ...

Throwback Thursday Software
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Listing Photo It’s Throwback Thursday so let’s take a walk down memory lane and revisit Vintage Products! Years ago, Software was sent on CDs for end users to upload onto their computers. The print geek in me has always loved the packaging and presentation that came with these programs. Macromedia Freehand 5 came out with a "Silver Surfer" type with a rapidograph pen. This image has always been my favorite, and I still love seeing it whenever we have to open an old program.            ...

Omnigraphics Professional Color Slide Chart
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Listing Photo When I first found this piece with our vintage charts, the print geek in me got excited! In 1979, Omnigraphics created a Professional Color Slide Chart. This clever plastic chart illustrated how to create duo-tone and black photos with color combinations. It also presented how CMYK is used to create a final full-color photo. It even had an area where you could insert a color chip to see how a black image would print on that particular color.          ...

A Throwback Chart with a History
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Listing Photo Sometimes I come across a chart that has historical implications that I never realize until I look it up on the web. This wheel chart for Polak’s Frutal was created as a converter for Imperial to Metric, but it’s the back story in the company that held my interest. Polak’s Frutal was incorporated in 1914 in Holland. They manufactured and sold essential oils, perfumes, and flavoring extracts in their plant. In anticipation of Holland being invaded by the Germans during World War II, family members moved to the United States in 1939-1940. They brought their knowledge of manufacturing their formulas with them. Holland was invaded and, the Germans seized their plant. But because the family had immigrated here, they continued to thrive in the United States. There aren’t too many times that a chart has an immigration story attached to it.     ...

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