A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a million.
American Slide Chart/Perrygraf creates inter-active print. While our static images convey some information, the videos here illustrate more of what our products can do you for. Feel free to visit us on our youtube channel or scroll through our videos below to see what we can do for you!
Blank Page and Sacred Heart Benefit Mailer
We worked with The Blank Page Ad Agency to manufacture a mailer for The Sacred Heart Benefit, Heart of Tomorrow, and Dinner/Silent Auction Event. The mailer came in a carrier with confetti and a Pop-Up/Insert that gave information about the event. It also featured a QR Code that drove people to their website.
Shankys Whip Recipe Wheel Chart
We manufactured a recipe Wheel Chart for Biggar and Leith and Shanky’s Whip. Shanky’s Whip is an Irish Whiskey that is worth a try! This wheel showcases all the different specialty drinks you can create using their whiskey. This chart is sold on their website.
Pop-Up Mascots
We have brought to life Pop-Up Mascots for various Colleges and Universities. These mail flat then POP into shape when pulled from their envelopes. Make your next mailing exciting by customizing these Pop-Up Mascots for your school! These have limited runs, please call for pricing.
Dimensional Mailers
Our design team has created several direct mail pieces in various industries that have grabbed attention and brought a substantial ROI. Since our mailers have a dimensional feel in the envelope, the recipient is intrigued and opens them on arrival. The mailers can be kept on your client's desks to remind them of your product or services.
Pop-Up House Mailers
We have an amazing array of Pop-Up Houses! These houses can be customized to include a business card cut-out for real estate agents. They can be used to raise funds for churches and non-profit organizations. They can even be used for construction and window replacements!
BASF Care Creations Wheel Chart
BASF and Care Creations reinvented the wheel and came up with this tool that showed ingredient solutions for textured hair. It showed how you could tailor formulations that match your textured hair care needs.
Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe
Kelmscott came to us to create a puzzler for Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe. This was used to advertise the video game by Midway Amusement Games.
Slide-Charts with Riders!
We can create interactive tools that have riders that help you read from the top of our slide charts all the way to the bottom. We even manufactured a game board tool with a rider that is out of this world!
Wilson Staff D-FY Golf Clubs Point-Of-Purchase Display
Wilson Staff came to us to create a locking split slide to illustrate the Co-Cure Joining Process of Graphite and Steel for their D-FY Golf Clubs.
Farm Journal Magazine Insert for New Holland
This version of the New Holland Fold and Glue product "features and benefits" slide chart for the CR & CX combines, was designed as a bind-in insert for Farm Journal Magazine.
How to play up to Par!
Golf Coach came to us to create a wheel that helps golfers. You set your problem at the arrow and read the answer in the window below. It's compact so golfers can take it to the course.
Football season!
We created a football Pop-Up that can be imprinted with your local team's name or used as an invitation to the big game or party. It POPS into shape when pulled from its envelope. Let us create a customized product for you!
Want to shoot some hoops?
Want to shoot some hoops, but you’re stuck inside? Channel your inner LeBron by playing basketball anywhere with the Basketball Topper we created for Sterling Wines and the Houston Rockets. You put the topper on a wine bottle and start shooting! Get your coworkers to join in on the fun. In the video below you see a heated game between our two proofreaders, Blanca and Yedid. Blanca is the first to score, so far she is our top player. Dick Vitale would say "She's awesome, baby, with a capital "A"!
Visit Pittsburgh-Convention Announcement Direct Mailer
Visit Pittsburgh came to American Slide-Chart/Perrygraf to help advertise the PCMA Convening Leaders Convention for 2019. The first direct mailer highlights points of interest in the city including the Duquesne Incline ride. The follow-up mailer illustrates The North Shore Riverfront Park and Bike trail that overlooks Three Rivers Stadium.
B-O-F Corporation/VersaSlide® Direct Mailer
B-O-F Corporation came to American Slide Chart/Perrygraf to create a fold out direct mail piece that illustrates their VersaSlide shelving system.
What are Pop-Ups?
Pop-Ups are an affordable, flat-folding, direct mail solution that deliver your message or information with an attention getting POP when pulled from their envelopes.